Elephants sleeping habits are incredibly fascinating. First, elephants usually only sleep for about two hours a day. But they don’t sleep all at once like we do. Instead, they take short naps throughout the day and night.
Second, elephants don’t sleep lying down 100% of the time like we do. Instead, they often stand up or lie on their side.
Elephants Sleeping Habits
Sleeping habits of elephants have long been a mystery, and there’s been a plethora of studies down on their behavior.
Here are some of the most common (and fascinating!) facts about how elephants sleep:
- Elephants typically only sleep for two hours a day.
- They often take short naps throughout the day and night.
- Elephants usually don’t sleep lying down like we do. Instead, they often stand up or lie on their side.
- When elephants do lie down, they often put their trunk over their face to protect themselves from the sun and mosquitoes.
- Elephants sometimes use their trunk as a pillow when they sleep lying down.
- If an elephant is lying down and wants to get up, it will first roll onto its side before getting back on its feet.
REM Sleep
Just like humans and mammals, elephants go through different phases of sleep. They have a light sleep and a deep sleep, but they also have something called REM (rapid eye movement) sleep.
It’s unclear exactly how much REM sleep elephants need, but it’s thought to be less than what humans need. This is because elephants only sleep for a total of two hours a day.
Do elephants dream?
During REM sleep, elephants are thought to be dreaming although this has never been proven. Their trunk and legs move around, and they sometimes make noises.
It’s thought that elephants dream about things that are important to them such as food, water, and their family.
Are elephants diurnal or nocturnal?
Elephants are actually both diurnal and nocturnal. This means that they are active both during the day and at night.
However, they are more active during the day than they are at night. This is because they need to eat a lot of food, and they can only do this when it’s light out.
How do elephants know when to sleep?
It’s not clear how elephants know when it’s time to sleep. However, it’s thought that they may be able to sense changes in the environment such as the temperature or the amount of light.
It’s also possible that elephants have an internal clock that tells them when it’s time to sleep. This is something that scientists are still trying to figure out.

Do Elephants sleep standing up or laying down?
It’s actually both! Elephants usually sleep standing up, but they will sometimes lie down to sleep.
When they do this, they often put their trunk over their face to protect themselves from the sun and mosquitoes.
Do Elephants sleep on their side?
Yes, they do. When they lie down they tend to sleep on their side and use their trunk as a pillow.
If an elephant is lying down and wants to get up, it will first roll onto its side before getting back on its feet.

Do elephants sleep in the same position every night?
Elephants usually don’t sleep in the same position every night. They often stand up or lie on their side.
How much do elephants sleep each night?
Wild African elephants sleep for the shortest time of any mammal, an average of only two hours a day.
Other elephants in the wild, such as Asian elephants, may sleep for up to four hours a day.
Why do elephants sleep so little?
It’s not clear why elephants sleep so little. One theory is that a wild elephant need to be alert in case predators come. Another theory is that they need to eat a lot of food.
Do elephants sleep together?
Elephants usually sleep alone or in small groups. However, there have been times when elephants have been seen sleeping together in large groups. It’s unclear why, but is thought to be depending on their surrounding and the environment they’re in. Having an entire herd sleep together in close proximity would reduce the anxiousness of not noticing predators for instance.
How do baby elephants sleep?
Baby elephants usually sleep close to their mother for protection. They will often lie down next to her or stand close by while she is sleeping.
As they get older, they will start to sleep more on their own but will still stay close to the herd.
Wild elephants sleep in groups
This is thought to be for safety, while captive elephants usually sleep alone.
Where do elephants in the wild normally sleep?
Elephants in the wild usually sleep in open areas such as savannah or grasslands. They will also sleep in forests if there are no open areas available.
What about elephants in captivity?
Elephants in captivity usually sleep in their enclosure. This is because they don’t have the same space as they would in the wild.
Environmental cues have an effect on an Elephant’s sleep
In their paper “Inactivity/sleep in two wild free-roaming African elephant matriarchs – Does large body size make elephants the shortest mammalian sleepers?” – Nadine Gravett, Adhil Bhagwandin, Robert Sutcliffe, Kelly Landen, Michael J. Chase, Oleg I. Lyamin, Jerome M. Siegel, Paul Manger (prof Paul Manger) outline that there were some nights where elephants went without sleep altogether.
One elephant trekked three nights, while the other two covered twice that distance. The elephants were startled after sunset on these evenings, perhaps by lion hunters or poachers, and they began a journey of around 30 kilometers.
This was a behaviour that had never been observed in elephants before. It implies that elephants require a great deal of space, which is critical to preserving elephant species – it appears that small reserves don’t give them enough room.
Finally, the time when the elephants went to sleep (sleep onset) and awoke (sleep offset) was not affected by sunset and sunrise.
Instead, both were strongly influenced by the “real feel” of the environment; a combination of temperature, humidity, wind speed, and solar radiation.
Elephants are one of the animals that sleep the least. African elephants only sleep for a total of two hours a day, whereas an Asian elephant may sleep up to four hours a day. Most of their sleep is light sleep, and they only enter deep sleep for short periods of time.
Elephants usually sleep standing up, but they can also sleep lying down, often on their side. They often use their trunk as a pillow when they sleep.
It’s not clear why they need so little sleep, but it could be because they need to eat a lot of food.
Elephants in captivity usually sleep in their enclosure, while elephants in the wild usually sleep in open areas such as savannas or grasslands.
Frequently Asked Questions about the sleep of Elephants and their sleeping habits
Wild African elephants sleep for an average of only two hours a day. Other elephants in the wild, such as Asian elephants, may sleep for up to four hours a day.
Yes, elephants do sleep at night. However, they are also active during the day and night.
Elephants usually sleep standing up, but they can also sleep lying down.
Yes, elephants sometimes use their trunk as a pillow when they sleep.
Yes, elephants sleep on their side when they are laying down. It’s seldom you see an elephant sleeping on their stomach.
Yes, baby elephants usually sleep close to their mother for protection.
No, elephants do not sleep in the same position every night. They change positions often to stay comfortable and to avoid getting sore muscles.
One reply on “How do Elephants sleep?”
[…] Elephants, known for their surprisingly brief slumber, are among the lightest sleepers in the animal kingdom. Typically, wild African and Asian elephants manage to get just 2 to 3 hours of sleep daily. However, captive elephants tend to sleep slightly longer, clocking in at around 3 to 7 hours per day. […]